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    线圈输入端接有峰值电压抑制器,可吸收线圈浪涌电压,并有发光二极管显示吸合状态;继电器操作灵活、性能可靠、体积小、寿命长、重量轻;辅助接点为速动型全密封结构;该中间继电器执行 “TB/T1510机车中间继电器技术条件标准。




    RJZ1 auxiliary relay, an electromagnetic DC control apparatus, can be used for diesel and electric locomotive control loop, and can also be used in other control loop with 110V DC control power supply.

    The input termination is connected with peak voltage suppressor, which can absorb coil surge voltage and light-emitting diode shows pull in states; the relay is with flexible operation, reliable performance, small size, long life, light weight; auxiliary contact is with quick-acting sealed structure; and carrying out the standard of “TB/T1510 locomotive relay technology” for auxiliary relay.

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